Finding and launching a meaningful and engaging website in 2022 can be a tough and thankless task. With so many web design agencies to choose from, it can be even tougher to find the right one for you.
This is a big decision as a website is a 24/7 online representation of you. It is the first place the modern consumer goes to, other than a social network profile, to see what a brand is up to. It has to be clean, smooth and up to the task of satisfying as many visitors as possible.
A good web design company will not only put together an aesthetically pleasing site for you, but they will also help maximise reach for your target audience online. If you’re getting into the web game, here are some tips to help you select the right web design agency.
Find Testimonials
When someone finds the right web design agency for them and their brand, it usually means a great return on their investment. Naturally, they want to give praise and testimony for the agency and these are usually very easily found. Most agencies will have a testimonials section on their website or even a review section with comments and posts from current and former clients about their work. See what other people had to say to help inform your choice.
They Listen to You
Web designers are experts in the web design industry. After all, that is why you have asked for their services. The best web designers also understand that YOU are an expert in your industry and will listen to you and want to collaborate as much as you want to. You know what the product is and who the ideal customer will be. A good web agency will listen to your ideas and recommendations and put them into action!
Look at Their Website
If a web design agency’s own website looks old and outdated, it’s a safe bet that they may not be the right ones for you. The best web design agencies update and maintain their own websites as a billboard and showcase of their talents. Is their website easy to use? Does it load quickly and correctly? Can you find what you’re looking for? Do you appreciate the design? If the answers are yes, then you are on the right track.
They Also Pitch Ideas
As mentioned above, you want an agency that will listen to you, yes. But you also want an agency that will bring new, creative and innovative ideas to the table. After all, if they’re just going to do what you want, they are not going to be showing you the full potential and reach of top-rank web design. The right web design agency will always be brimming with new ways to update your online presence.
The Agency Has a Marketing Team
A top-quality web design agency will either have a dedicated marketing team or marketing professionals that can supplement projects. It’s all well and good if your website looks spick and span, but if it isn’t reaching your potential customers at the right moment in their online journey, then you will see minimal conversions. This is where a marketing team works their magic so your content gets in front of the right eyes.
They Use a Content Management System (CMS)
The right web agency also endeavours to make your website accessible to you at any time. This is key because you may want to self-fulfil a task on a day-to-day basis or check in on your website without having to call a developer every time. Using a CMS, yourself and the agency can regularly update design elements or images from an easily accessible client. Ordinarily, web agencies will use content management systems such as WordPress or Magento but other applications are available.
They Make Mobile Friendly Websites
A website simply has to be mobile-friendly and responsive to device size these days. If it isn’t, Google just won’t rank your website in their search results. The majority of online traffic comes from mobile phones. If your website doesn’t respond to this, it will see no traffic. The right web design agency will make sure your website is optimised and responsive to mobiles, tablets, laptops, desktops and more.
They Have a Portfolio
This is stating the obvious but you want to hang your digital hat on an agency that knows what they are doing. Agencies that are experienced and successful will showcase live websites on their landing page with a gallery of all the clients and sites they manage. Make sure you see the websites in action as opposed to in screenshots and take the time to see how they lay out their websites. If they have produced websites for a brand in the same industry, this is a definite bonus.
They Are in it For the Long Run
Websites and the digital space are always changing and adapting. It never rests and you need a web design agency that doesn’t either. The right web design agency will want to form a long-term bond with a brand so they can continuously manage their websites, update content and help grow your business. If a web agency is happy to deliver your short-term goals AND shows enthusiasm to continue working and developing your digital strategy, you have a winner on your hands!
They Know Navigation
One vital aspect of web design you may not be thinking about is navigation and page layout. A good web design agency will not only put together a flawless landing page and site for you, they will design a site list and navigation tree that is able to engage visitors when they land, show them to what they are looking for, signpost for more information and, if necessary, guide them to a conversion point (i.e. a contact form or online booking/purchase).
They Have Local and National Experience
Working with a web design agency that has experience attracting local audiences as well as large scale audiences such as national and global is very beneficial. It ensures that the agency can and has a proven track record of growing alongside a company and can adjust to their subsequently growing web design needs. It also ensures that the agency can produce content and pages for a variety of audiences and further validates their portfolio.
They Update You with Design Trends
The right web agency will let you know when your website needs updating. They will also tell you when you have to catch up to design trends and show that your website is current. If your website still looks like it’s from the last decade, customers won’t know whether you are legit and trustworthy. By keeping up with web design trends, a good web design agency keeps your website relevant and trustworthy.
Talk to Them
We can’t stress this enough; you have to make an initial call to talk about your project with a web design agency you are interested in. Here you can talk about non-negotiables you may have with your online presence and they can advise you on your next steps. This call also gives you a chance to assess the agency and see if they are a good fit for your brand … After all, you are asking them to interpret your brand into a website. The right web agency will click with you and offer you a package relevant to your goals.
In Conclusion
Don’t worry, finding the right design agency can be difficult but once you find the right digital partners, your job will become easier. Don’t rush it but take our advice into account if you want to start your digital journey in the right way.
Just remember, a good web design agency is one that listens to you, pitches to you and keeps your target audiences engaged with modern design and slick navigation.
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